Organizing Committee

Chair: Odsuren Batdelger, (PhD), Scientific Secretary

Committee Members:

  1. Bolortsetseg Erdenee, PhD, Foreign Cooperation Officer
  2. Altanbagana Myagmarsuren, PhD, Head of Division of Social and Economic Geography
  3. Ariunbold Erdenegerel, PhD, Head of the Division of Land Resource and Land Use
  4. Ganzorig Ulgiichimeg, PhD Candidate, Head of Division of Soil Research
  5. Narangerel Serdyanjiv, PhD, Head of Division of Environmental and Natural Resource Management
  6. Saruulzaya Adiya, PhD, Head of Division of Permafrost Research
  7. Udval Bayarsaikhan, PhD, Head of Division of Forest Resource and Forest Protection
  8. Urtnasan Mandakh, PhD, Head of Division of GIS and Cartography
  9. Lkhagvasuren Boviishiirev, MBA, General Accountant
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